Chasmanthe floribunda ORANGE, 12 seeds
Cormous perennial from South Africa seldom offered in bulb catalogs, though I think it should be! So beautiful and easy to grow that it's unbelievable. Vertical, sword-shaped leaves rush up from the dormant corms with the rains in late winter, creating a lush, welcoming effect during the dreary cold days. Produces flowering stalks of branched, bright orangy-red, tubular blooms in early spring. Favorites of hummingbirds, bees and butterflies; and passerbys often asked IF THIS IS A NEW WEIRD SPRING-FLOWERING GLADIOLUS, :-) Hardy from zone 9 onwards. 4 to 5 feet tall and 1 foot wide. Full sun to part shade. Any soil type and soil fertility as long well-drained. Drought tolerant, great for an area that is seldom irrigated. Fresh seeds, harvested 06/2023.