Ipomoea multifida, 25 seeds
If you like morning glories but want a more delicate vine, this annual twining relative will do the job, and then some. It has the same ease-of-growth and carefree nature, but bears flowers in a color that is extremely hard to find true in morning glories -- red. Many Red/Scarlet Morning Glories in the trade end up being bright pink/beni/fuchsia, but not this one. The small, star-shaped blooms with white centers are really red. Hummingbirds in your garden will be the first to confirm this color to you by heading straight for them. This vine is often confused with the Red Rukooso/Cypress Vine (Ipomoea quamoclit), also a small red-flowering relative to the morning glory. The difference between I. quamoclit and I. multifida lies in the shape of the leaves. Those of this vine are 'coarser', more palm-like than fern-like. 6 feet or more. Full sun. Any reasonably drained soil. Moderate water. Fresh seeds, harvested 11/2019. Open-pollinated.