Salvia mexicana 'Limelight', 5 seeds
One of the most beautiful and impressive of all Salvias, this Mexican Sage is indeed in the limelight starting from late summer till frost. Salvia mexicana 'Limelight' has flowers that are dark purple, protruding from showy lime-green calyxes on upright blooming spikes. This striking classic color combination is hard to beat, and buzzing with bees and hummingbirds who want a piece of the action. Even when all the flowers have dropped off, the chartreus calyxes remain in the spike, and the plant still looks astounding! Hardy from zone 8 onwards. 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide. Full sun, and any well-drained garden soils. Protect brittle branches from strong winds. Hard-to-find seeds, harvested 12/2024.