We are just like you! Not a nursery, not a horticulturist, just crazy gardeners who like more plants than our tiny yard can support, :-).
Most of the stuff we sell come from our yard/ex-rental/ex-ex-rental or our neighbours/friends (Z9), or from Singapore (Z12?)/the places we visited. They might not be zone hardy for you, but if you (or the one you are shopping for) are passionate about gardening, we are sure you will find a way to grow the ones you like. Similarly, some of the plants from the cloud forest regions of the world might not do well for gardeners in warmer areas, but again, we think that learning about a new plant through personal trial and errors is much more fun and rewarding than shying away from something just because it is supposedly difficult.
The seeds offered here may or may not be test-germinated, depending on many factors:
- whether we have time to do so,
- whether we have enough stock to do a valid germination test,
- whether the seeds need to be planted soon after harvest for viability etc
That said, almost all the seeds are personally harvested, and therefore, fresh. They should have a relatively high rate of germination. We do not re-sell from other websites.
As for the photos, again, 99% are taken by us. Sometimes we "lift" one from the web because our own are not pretty enough, but if we do, we will let you know in the item text or we'll copyright the photo as from "The Web".
We sell only on one other place. If you like, you can pop over to ebay to check out our auctions/feedback. Buy with confidence, we are new here but have done more than 3500 positive transactions over there with the id tasteeclectic. Give this store a try, taste, being a shorter and sweeter version of tasteeclectic, has correspondingly more reasonable pricing and flat rate shipping since we do not need to fork out so much to pay ebay fees, :-). An additional plus is that there is no bidding wars, and a larger variety of products. So happy shopping!